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Full Moon arrives before Halloween

Dance in the Moonlight Halloween InvitationsOctober 22nd a Full Moon will rise and on a beach in Thailand, 20,000-30,000 people gather to celebrate.  The party begins at dusk and as the evening progresses, the beach explodes into a dancing frenzy with DJ’s taking turns playing the music.  Live entertainers perform for the crowd and the sky lights up with a fireworks display. 

Be sure to get out and see the full moon as it rises, right around sunset. Along the horizon, the moon tends to seem even bigger but this is just an illusion you can easily prove yourself.

Take a small object such as a pencil eraser, hold it at arm’s length, and compare its size to that of the moon just as it rises. Repeat the experiment later in the night and you’ll see that the moon compares the same in both cases. Astronomers and psychologists agree that the moon illusion is just that, but they don’t agree on how to explain it. 

You might want to check out the Full Moon Calculator to see when the next full moon is or perhaps enter the month and year you were born to see if you or your friends were born under a full moon.

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