Planning a surprise party can be fun and enjoyable for all of the people who are involved. And, if you and your co-conspirators can keep up the charade until the party happens, then you can also have one very surprised and happy guest of honor.
Even though the secret of your surprise party depends on all of the people who have been invited, there are some simple things which you can do to help ensure the best outcome possible. Here are seven tips to get you started to planning a surprise party which your friends and relatives will be talking about for years to come:
1. Find out from your guest of honor, or even better from their significant other, what their schedule is like within the time frame you are considering for the surprise party. Use this valuable information to set the date for your surprise party.
2. Enlist the help of someone who can devise a fictitious activity for the guest of honor to partake in on the day of the party. The closer to your home this activity is, the easier it is for your helper to “have to stop in at your home for a moment” on the day of the party.
3. Extend your invitations to all of your invited guests. When you make your invitations make sure that each of your guests understand that the party is a surprise and should be kept that way. Ask them to please not share the information with your guest of honor or anyone else who might mention it to them.
4. Come up with a planned event which everyone who may run into your guest of honor can use as a diversion if they need to. However, if your guests don’t think they can “lie” to the guest of honor with a straight face, suggest that they avoid them for the time leading up to the party, whenever possible and practical.
5. Ask all of your invited guests to arrive at least thirty minutes before you expect your guest of honor to arrive. If your guest of honor generally arrives early to events, then you might want to ask your invited guests to come a bit earlier, just in case.
6. Ask your guests to park down the street and out of sight. The only caveat to this is if the guest of honor believes they are attending another event at your home on that day. If this is the case then it won’t really matter much were people choose to park.
7. Once you have done all of the other things suggested, then the only thing you can really do is pray and hold your breath that no one will slip-up and tell your guest of honor about your planned surprise party.
If you take the time to build in some diversions into your plan, you are able to help those who might be asked questions by the guest of honor. This will ensure that they are not caught off-guard and without a good, solid, quick answer to give to any questions that they may be asked. By doing this you can have a wonderful surprise party. Good luck!
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